Manga/Bunko adapted into a TV show - Winter 2021 — Kinokuniya USA

Manga/Bunko adapted into a TV show - Winter 2021

A Man and his Cat

In the pet shop he calls home, a chubby, homely cat whiles away the hours listening to coos of delight from potential pet parents...but he knows it's not him they're fussing over. Having all but given up on life, the feline dejectedly awaits his first birthday, when he'll officially be past his sell-by date. So when an older gentleman comes into the shop and wants to take him home, the kitten himself is most shocked of all!


お前に出会えたことが幸福だからふくまるだよ ペットショップで売れ残っていた一匹の成猫。日に日に値段が下げられ、見向きもされず、諦めていた猫の前に一人の男性が現れる。彼が告げた言葉とは…「私が欲しくなったのです」これは誰かに愛されたかった猫とおじさまの、心温まる日々を紡いだ物語。

Kamisama no Karute

シリーズ320万部のベストセラー4年ぶりの最新作にして、10周年を飾る最高傑作! 内科医・栗原一止を待ち受ける新たな試練!