How to use membership on Kinokuniya Online Store — Kinokuniya USA

How To Use
Kinokuniya Membership

at Stores and Online Store

Joined Kinokuniya Membership? Shop in-store or online and enjoy the discount while collecting points!

At Kinokuniya Stores

At Kinokuniya Online Store (Account Required)

Shopping at Physical Stores
Enjoy membership benefits by presenting your membership card at the time of purchase!

Don’t have an account?
Follow step by step instruction to create an Online Store account and link to your membership!

Already have an account?
Log in and link to your membership to your Online Store account!


How to Create An Account and Link Your Membership

1) Visit Kinokuniya Online Store, hover over to "Welcome! Guest Your Page", and click “New customer? Start here” at the top right.


2) Type in your email address. You will receive a confirmation email with an activation link.  Clicking the activation link will open up a registration page.


3) Type in the information including your membership card number and expiry date listed. Now you are all set to shop at our Online Store using the membership benefits!

Your membership will expire the following year, at the end of the month upon which you joined the membership (For example, if you apply on 10/15/2023, it will expire on 10/31/2024). If you don’t remember, please contact our Customer Service Center.


How to link your membership to the existing acount

Kinokuiniya Online Store with an arrow pointing to Sign In

1) Visit Kinokuniya Online Store, hover over to "Welcome! Guest Your Page", and click “Sign in” under "Your Page."

Kinokuniya Online Store with an arrow pointing to Your Account

2) Once signed in, you will be brought back to the home page. Hover over to "Your Page" again, and click "Your account."

Your Page screen on Kinokuniya Online Store with an arrow pointing to Edit

3) Jumps to your account page. Click "edit."

Editing your account page on Kinokuniya Online Store with an arrow pointing Kinokunya Member section

4) Type in your membership card number and expiry date. Hit update and it will say “account updated.” Your online account is now linked to your membership account!

Your membership will expire the following year, at the end of the month upon which you joined the membership (For example, if you apply on 10/15/2023, it will expire on 10/31/2024). If you don’t remember, please contact our Customer Service Center.