Kinokuniya Santa Anita Storefront

Kinokuniya Santa Anita

Originally a beloved Maido Stationery, The Kinokuniya Santa Anita store opened its doors in late 2022. It is located in The Shops at Santa Anita mall in the beautiful city of Arcadia, right next to the famous Los Angeles County Arboretum and Santa Anita Park race track. Every staff member holds unique and passionate knowledge on stationery and books, and are happy to give visitors a welcoming experience to the store.

Inside the Santa Anita store, you will find rows of colorfully crafted Japanese stationery, some of which you have never seen before! Accompanying this are bookshelves full of unique, rich stories to get lost in, varying from Japanese novels to English manga. Further into the store, you’ll find gifts, trinkets, plushies, and so much more to enjoy, coming straight from Japan or small local businesses in America.

So, if you’re looking for the perfect pen or a new story to get lost in, Kinokuniya Santa Anita has just what you’re looking for and more. We hope to see you soon!


Kinokuniya Santa Anita

The Shops at Santa Anita
400 S. Baldwin Avenue, 2F #E-17
Arcadia, CA 91007
T 626.446.1236

10:00am - 9:00pm (Mon-Sat)
11:00am - 8:00pm (Sun)

Instagram: @kinokuniya_santaanita

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